
balsa wood gliders communicate that your company

Now to know more about balsa wood. If you are participating at a tradeshow, promoting your brand and increasing your company's name recognition is first and foremost. For starters however, balsa wood gliders can be an inexpensive investment for your tradeshow program. For less than $.60 a piece you can purchase as few as 500 balsa wood gliders for your tradeshow program or special company event. This is a modest investment for most companies, not to mention they are light and easy to transport – adding to your cost savings.
Get in the aisle at your next tradeshow; toss one around and start a conversation. Balsa wood gliders are a great opportunity to engage attendees and drive traffic and potential new business to your booth. If you are involved in aviation, balsa wood gliders are a tried and true method for generating attention. Adults still enjoy them (I know I do) and for those who are parents, they'll be sure to stop by and pickup one or two, giving you and open doorway to engage with new people. When compared to other inexpensive promotional giveaways, such as pens or candies for example, balsa wood gliders communicate that your company is aviation based and the recipient is more like to hang on to them longer, while remembering your company its products and / or services. Making a lasting impression isn't easy especially when there is so much competition to take into consideration.
Balsa wood gliders also make great aviation promotional products if you are speaking to young students at school. Whether it's career day or "what my parent does for a living", balsa gliders make a lasting impression and may give flight to a potential aviator.
Much has been made recently of the apparent fact that there is a great lack of kits available for the DIY builders. Nothing could be farther from the truth; there are literally hundreds of kits on the market now. The Sig line of DIY balsa kits is reappearing, there are many small manufactures making laser cut kits for electric in cottage industries all over the world, these can be of the greatest value.
I am sure almost all of you played with balsa wood gliders at some time in your youth, just as I did. Whether it was a toy that your mom or dad bought you for "being good" … a party favour … or something you spent your allowance on in order to have some fun with friends on a sunny, summer's day.The reklated article go to http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How long does it take a Balsa tree to grow?

How long does it take a Balsa tree to grow?
By this article to more about the balsa wood. Balsa trees grow very rapidly (like all pesky weeds). Six months after germination, the tree is about 1-1/2 inches in diameter and 10 - 12 feet tall. In 6 to 10 years the tree is ready for cutting, having reached a height of 60 to 90 feet tall and a diameter of 12 to 45 inches. If left to continue growing, the new wood being grown on the outside layers becomes very hard and the tree begins to rot in the center. Unharvested, a balsa tree may grow to a diameter of 6 feet or more, but very little usable lumber can be obtained from a tree of this size. The basla leaf is similar in shape to a grape leaf, only a lot bigger. When the tree is young, these leaves measure a much as four feet across. They become progressivly smaller as the tree grows older, until they are about 8 - 10 inches across. Balsa is one of the few trees in the jungle which has a simple leaf shape. This fact alone makes the balsa tree stand out in the jungle.
How are Balsa trees harvested?
While nature intended the balsa tree to be a short lived nursemaid, mankind eventually discovered oeicoqmb that it was an extremely useful resource. The real start of the basa business was during World War I, when the allies were in need of a plentiful substitute for cork. The only drawback to using balsa rectangle was, and still is, the back breaking work that is necessary to get it out of the jungle. Beacause of the way the individual balsa trees are scattered throughtout the jungles, it has never been possible to use mass production logging procedures and equipment. The best way to log balsa trees is to go back to the methods of Paul Bunyan -- chop them down with an axe, haul them to the nearest river by ox team, tie them together into rafts, and then float the rafts of balsa logs down the river to the saw mill.
The logging team usually consists of two native Ecquadorians, each armed with a broad Spanish axe, a machete, and a long pole sharpened like a chisel on one end for removing the bark from the downed trees. Because of the hilly terrain, an ox team may only be able to drag two logs to the river per day. At the saw mill the raw balsa is first rough cut into large boards, the carefully kiln dried, and finally packed into bales for shipment to the U.S. via ocean freighter. Final cutting and finishing of our model aircraft balsa is done right here at the SIG factory. As a result of the bass polywood tree's fast growth cycle, both the quality and lightness of the lumber obtained from a balsa tree can vary enormously depending upon the tree's age at the time of cutting.


my work experience with balsa wood

Have you ever worked with balsa wood? It comes in thin sheets and is lightweight enough to be used on cards and other paper crafted projects. Balsa wood may be an item that you've used on your projects before, but did you know that it can be die cut or embossed with Papertrey's dies and even stamped on? It's perfect for adding a masculine flair to cards, but it's gorgeous woodgrain pattern makes for really interesting detail even on the girliest of cards! I've got several examples of how to incorporate balsa wood onto your next project, to show you today!
I found balsa wood at my local Michael's store -- simply ask a sales associate if you can't find it, but I think mine was located near the dowel rods and cork. It is approximately 3/32" thick and comes in long sheets ta3zwdkv that are 4" x 36".
To start off, let's talk about die-cutting the balsa. I used the standard die-cutting sandwich with my Big Shot to die cut a mat stack 1 shape. Your sandwich may need to be adjusted slightly for your individual die-cutting machine. In my Big Shot, the sandwich was quite tight, so that when the balsa went thru the machine, it came out significantly compressed or flattened. You may also notice a little warping of the wood, but it will flatten back out easily. NOTE: Balsa wood is somewhat fragile, so you can't really man-handle it. Be gentle so as to not tear it! Don't ask me how I know this! ;)
After die cutting the mat stack shape, I pulled out the Through the Trees stamp set and stamped the tree trunk in dark chocolate ink followed by the leaves image in spring moss.
Once the stamping is complete, you can even distress the edges of the balsa wood, just as you would card stock, for a bit more dimension.
Now the balsa wood focal point is ready to be used on a card. Obviously I was going for a more masculine feel to this card, so I started out with a vintage cream card base and then added a panel of dark chocolate card stock that was impressed with the Woodgrain Impression Plate. I love how well the woodgrain background pairs with the balsa wood, for a bit more texture.
A strip of patterned paper from the Sugar Plum collection was roughed up along the top edge with an edge distressor and all four sides of the strip were inked with vintage touch tea dye ink. Three spring moss buttons were adhered to the tree with scor-tape.
For the sentiment, I die cut a bit of rustic cream card stock with the double-ended banner die and stamped a birthday sentiment from Mat Stack 1 Collection in dark chocolate ink.
Now, in case you thought balsa wood wouldn't work on girly-girl cards, think again!! Balsa wood looks gorgeous on any type of card because of the great texture it adds. In this case, I die cut an adorable balsa wood butterfly using the Signature Series: Butterfly Die!If you want to know more about balsa sheet , you can go to our wesite right now.


To impove the balsa wood glider

Now an article about designing balsa wood glider. balsa glider activity has been growing into a very popular branch of model airplane activity in the past few years. Practically every model builder has had experience in connection with this phase of the game and has been more or less successful in it. Many of these modelers have their own "pet" designs while many more do not know just what characteristics to employ in their balsa gliders to make them successful, consistent fliers. To these, especially, the following information will be of the most benefit.
Early type balsa gliders employed stubby, non-sweptback, non-tapered wings. nvktazrew Tips of wings were rounded while the tail sections were generally of a square outline, employing no airfoil but a square section throughout. Finishes of these balsa gliders were not considered of any importance. Therefore it was not unusual to see balsa gliders which had not been brought into contact with sandpaper.
These factors had a decided effect upon their flying ability and flights of over thirty seconds were unusual since an altitude of over forty feet was seldom attained. Builders soon found that with smoothing the surface of the wood the glide was considerably improved. Even with this improved glide, however, the boys knew that what was actually needed was to attain higher altitude on the throw.
They began experimenting with sweepback, different length moment arms, fine finishes and streamlined surfaces. These in turn made the balsa glider a sleek, polished ship capable of 100 feet or more of altitude when launched, necessitating great strength in construction. This great stress required exceptionally great strength where the wing joined the fuselage. A tough skin of cement was the answer to this problem. Thus the old box-like affairs of the first all balsa balsa gliders were the basic designs for our modern, highly efficient ships. We are still experimenting to find the characteristics to employ in the design of the balsa glider which will eventually lead to the nearest possible "perfect" design.
In most contests of today the balsa glider event is one of the main features and one of the more popular events. One reason for this is that the balsa glider is simpler to build, more rugged, and its size, usually under twenty-two inches, makes it quite easily carried to contests, flying fields, etc. Lately, there have been reports of many excellent balsa glider flights, some eclipsing the record times of many of the rubber power planes. These are due to excellent designs, fine workmanship and a lasting up-current of air.By the way , we offer you large number ofbass polywood  ,you can take a look.


density of balsa wood is so important

All know that balsa wood is different from the other wood, but how much do you know about this kind wood.Because density of balsa wood is so important we now offer three grades of lktjic2do Balsa:
1) Medium Density balsa rectangle unselected: 10-19 pounds/cu.ft
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 10-19 pcf, with usual expected outliers. Distribution is a fairly broad normal curve with average near center of range. Piece-weight is calculated by dividing sheet weight by number of sticks/sheet. Not individually weighed.
2) High Density: mean density 21 pounds/cu.ft, nominal range 19 - 24 pcf
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 19-28 pcf. Distribution is a tight normal curve (small variance) sharply skewed to low end of range, with average = 21 pcf. Pieces are individually weighed. Higher weight and strength, greater stiffness.
3) Low Density: mean density 8 pcf; nominal range 6-10 pounds/cu.ft
Range of densities expected in any sufficiently large random sample is 6-10 pcf. Distribution is a tight normal curve (small variance) with average = approximately 8 pcf.
Pieces are individually weighed. Light weight, less stiffness.
Insider Tip: Balsa varies considerably in its density, for optimum results, each piece should be weighed to determine its suitability for use in a particular part of your structure.Buy the way the balsa round offered in our store are all with high quality and cheap price.

How to work with the light balsa wood

balsa wood is a lightweight wood variety taken from trees of the same name that hail from the rainforests of Central America, South America, and a few other regions. The warm and humid conditions in these areas are ideal for the growth of this plant. Balsa trees grow quite rapidly - it usually takes less than a decade for a tree to be mature enough for cutting. However, once past the ten-year marker, an unharvested tree would harden on the outside and rot inside, rendering it a useless piece.
Initially, balsa wood was only taken from the forests. But due to wide consumer interests and the profitability of the industry, farmers have begun their own plantations. Ecuador is largely responsible for the world supply of the wood, followed by suppliers from India, Indonesia and the Caribbean.
Attributes of Balsa
In spite of its light weight, balsa wood has incredible strength. In fact, among all the lightweight wood varieties, balsa is considered to be the strongest. This is because each cell of the tree is naturally infused with water that makes it rigid enough to withstand the jungle setting. However, vpthaumrg when pooled together with the rest of the wood varieties, balsa is only third or fourth in the strength category.
There are different grains of balsa wood, and each has attributes of its own. A-grain balsa lumber is the most flexible type. When immersed in water, it can easily be manipulated into the required forms and shapes. On the other hand, A-grain balsa changes very easily, affecting its life span. Balsa of the B-grain variety is the most readily available kind. This is the ideal type because B-grain balsa can be used for numerous purposes. Lastly, there is the C-grain balsa which can easily be recognized through the evident grain line patterns. Among the three grain types, C-grain balsa is the most brittle and warp-resistant.
Common Uses for Balsa
Balsa wood was first used during World War I as a substitute for cork. During this period, life rafts and armor plates were constructed of balsa. In World War II, balsa use was upgraded for the making of airplanes. It became the primary material for the famous British de Havilland Mosquito combat airplane.
Apart from being lightweight and durable, balsa wood also has the ability to float, which makes it an ideal material for surfboards and other water sports equipment. Another popular use for balsa lumber is model kits, usually that of airplanes. Again, because the material is light, model airplanes constructed from balsa generally perform better than its other counterparts. Doll houses and the miniature furniture that accompany them are also routinely made out of balsa. The same is true for stage furniture and other props. The other parts of the balsa tree are used for insulation, stuffing, sound-absorption and packing.
How to Work with Balsa
Before hacking into the wood, one must have a clear plan as to what the end product would be. When manipulating balsa, it is important to be careful because, as said earlier, its price is quite high, so waste is something to avoid. Another thing to bear in mind is to choose the right type of balsa for a particular project. This will ensure the quality of the wood used for the endeavor.
In order to manipulate balsa wood for whatever purpose, the necessary tools should be on hand. While it is relatively soft and easy to carve and shape, using the proper equipment would make the job more accurate. In addition, the wood is also quite expensive, and the chances of improper handling are lessened with the right gadgets. No need for power tools or saws - for the most part, four or five precision knives are all that is needed. It is also more convenient to keep replacement blades around. Sanding blocks are also necessary tools to smooth out the wood.
The bottom line is that balsa wood is a great lightweight material of great strength that has many valuable uses and applications, it should be strongly considered when deciding upon your choice of wood. For more, the related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Common Uses for Balsa Wood

balsa wood is a lightweight wood variety taken from trees of the same name that hail from the rainforests of Central America, South America, and a few other regions. The warm and humid conditions in these areas are ideal for the growth of this plant. Balsa trees grow quite rapidly - it usually takes less than a decade for a tree to be mature enough for cutting. However, once past the ten-year marker, an unharvested tree would harden on the outside and rot inside, rendering it a useless piece. Initially, balsa wood was only taken from the forests.
But due to wide consumer interests and the profitability of the industry, farmers have begun their own plantations. Ecuador is largely responsible for the world supply of the wood, followed by suppliers from India, Indonesia and the Caribbean. Attributes of Balsa In spite of its light weight, balsa wood has incredible strength. In fact, among all the lightweight wood varieties, balsa is considered to be the strongest. This is because each cell of the tree is naturally infused with water that makes it rigid enough to withstand the jungle setting. However, when pooled together with the rest of b1giodhxr the wood varieties, balsa is only third or fourth in the strength category. There are different grains of balsa wood, and each has attributes of its own.
 A-grain balsa lumber is the most flexible type. When immersed in water, it can easily be manipulated into the required forms and shapes. On the other hand, A-grain balsa changes very easily, affecting its life span. Balsa of the B-grain variety is the most readily available kind. This is the ideal type because B-grain balsa can be used for numerous purposes. Lastly, there is the C-grain balsa which can easily be recognized through the evident grain line patterns. Among the three grain types, C-grain balsa is the most brittle and warp-resistant.
Common Uses for Balsa wood was first used during World War I as a substitute for cork. During this period, life rafts and armor plates were constructed of balsa. In World War II, balsa use was upgraded for the making of airplanes. It became the primary material for the famous British de Havilland Mosquito combat airplane. Apart from being lightweight and durable, balsa wood also has the ability to float, which makes it an ideal material for surfboards and other water sports equipment. Another popular use for balsa lumber is model kits, usually that of airplanes. Again, because the material is light, model airplanes constructed from balsa generally perform better than its other counterparts. The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


by this way to make balsa airplane

Building model airplanes out of balsa wood can be as simple or as complicated as you want, depending on the level of detail you want your model to have. For beginners, it is better to start just building simple models in order to get practice working with balsa wood. The more advanced hobbyist will be more creative.
Look for a model plane blueprint or a template online (see References). Print out the template and cut out all the pieces using a pair of scissors.
Paste the template pieces on a sheet of balsa wood about the same size as a sheet of paper, about inches wide and inches long. Use a glue stick or multipurpose glue to paste the template pieces.
Cut out the balsa wood in the shape of the template pieces. Use a precision knife to cut the balsa wood.
Attach the different pieces of the balsa wood cutouts using multipurpose glue. Put glue on the tab in the fin tip and attach the fin tip to one end of the long fuselage piece. Put glue on one side of the short fuselage piece and attach it to the opposite end of the long fuselage piece. Put glue on the center of one side of the wing piece and attach it to the top edge of the fuselage. Allow time for the glue to dry.
The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Build Balsa Wood Structures Without Glue

balsa wood is a lightweight, almost foam-like wood often sold in thin sheets meant to be used for miniature woodworking and small structures. This soft wood is commonly joined together using glue, but this process adds weight and creates joints that are permanent. If you're looking to build a balsa wood project with no added weight and that can be disassembled, join the pieces of wood by creating a mechanical joint.
Create a mock-up of the structure you want using masking tape. Tape the wood lightly, just enough to hold the pieces in place while you plan the structure.
Mark the structure's wood joints with colored pencil. On each taped joint, mark the wood on either side with colored pencil. Use a different color for each joint; this will help you identify which edges of the disassembled pieces are meant to go with which.
Disassemble the structure. Remove all masking tape and discard.
Create an interlocking tooth pattern on one side of each joint. Draw a line of small squares on the edge of each piece of wood that will need to be connected, alternating jutting and inverted squares (see the link in “resources” below to get an idea of what this will look like). Cut out the recessed squares using a fine grinding bit on the rotary cutter.
Sketch an inversion of the pattern you just did on the opposite side of each joint. Coordinate colors from step to lay the freshly cut piece over the piece it's going to join with, lining them up edge-to-edge. Trace the empty spaces; these will become the teeth on the second piece and the traced shapes of the teeth from the first piece will become empty spaces.
Use the rotary cutter to cut out the inverted traced spaces you just drew.
Repeat steps - with all other joints in the project.
Test each individual joint to make sure it locks up correctly. If it does not, carefully adjust the size of the teeth and hollows on the joints, using the rotary cutter.
Re-assemble the structure.
The more related information comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How to Make a Balsa Wood Box

balsa wood is a popular wood for small handcrafting projects because it is lightweight and soft enough to cut easily without the use of power tools. A small balsa wood box is therefore a convenient craft choice if you want a simple storage container for small items that's more durable than cardboard or other disposable materials. You can also use this project as an introductory exercise in basic wood construction
Cut the pieces for the frame. Use the T-square and craft knife to measure and cut two rectangular pieces that are inches by and two pieces that are inches by .
Assemble the sides pieces into a frame, placing the longer pieces against the outside edges of the shorter pieces (so that the short sides are inside the large ones). Attach the pieces by applying wood glue to the ends of the short pieces, then holding the frame together with a few strips of masking tape (as few as possible) until the glue dries.
Use the frame as a pattern to create the bottom and top pieces for the box by placing the vtgpqhzlegz frame directly onto a sheet of balsa wood and tracing it. Cut just inside the tracing lines for each of the two pieces to ensure the best fit.
Glue the side frame onto the bottom of the box. Apply the glue all around the edge of the frame rather than applying it to the bottom piece for best results.
Attach the lid of the box using hinges. Lay the lid over the top of the unfinished box and position its edges flush with the edges of the frame. Open the hinges and lay them in place. Position on each end, at least an inch in (use the same measurement on both sides). Attach the hinges by placing a small blob of epoxy on each of the holes where the screws would fasten. Let set.
Sand the box using fine grain sandpaper. Sand gently; balsa wood is fragile and it's easy to crack or sand too much.
Tips & Warnings
If you can't find balsa wood in large enough sheets for the top and bottom pieces, use the completed frame to make a paper pattern, then cut shorter planks to fill this shape, gluing them together edge to edge.
If you want to know more about the lightweight balsa wood, the related article comes from our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Building model airplanes out of balsa wood

Building model airplanes out of balsa wood can be as simple or as complicated as you want, depending on the level of detail you want your model to have. For beginners, it is better to start just building simple models in order to get practice working with balsa wood. The more advanced hobbyist will be more creative.
Look for a model plane blueprint or a template online (see References). Print out the template and cut out all the pieces using a pair of scissors.
Paste the template pieces on a sheet of balsa wood about the same size as a sheet of paper, about inches wide and inches long. Use a glue stick or multipurpose glue to paste the template pieces.
Cut out the balsa wood in the shape of the template pieces. Use a precision knife to cut the balsa wood.
Attach the different pieces of the balsa wood cutouts using multipurpose glue. Put glue on the tab in the fin tip and attach the fin tip to one end of the long fuselage piece. Put glue on one side of the short fuselage piece and attach it to the opposite end of the long ktjcdalkd fuselage piece. Put glue on the center of one side of the wing piece and attach it to the top edge of the fuselage. Allow time for the glue to dry.
The realted article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.

strong Balsa wood in physics classes across the country

Bridges are complex structures that are marvels of science and engineering. They have forces to counteract, including standing up under their own weight. The Truss bridge design is a common bridge style that makes use of triangular trusses to hold the base of the bridge together. Although students make models of Truss bridges out of surprisingly light and strong Balsa wood in physics classes across the country, you can also use balsa wood to build a model Truss bridge at home.
Diagram the bridge on your grid paper, using the grid squares as a guide. To make a scale model of a bridge, using grid-square to represent square-feet at actual size, and square-inch at model size will give you a good scale for the design. A truss bridge usually has the flat base of the bridge and a trapezoidal arch across the top, to which the trusses are connected. Draw the trusses in as well. Make several copies of the diagram, and draw it from a few angles--like the side, top and /-rotational view.
Using a side diagram, imagine how the forces will act on the bridge as something crosses it. Some of your trusses will be pulled and others will be squeezed, so make sure these parts are prepared for that kind of force. Draw arrows at the nodes (points where trusses meet the bridge base) and imagine how those arrows will pull all parts of the bridge. Make any changes necessary based on this diagram. See the "building bridges" resource for a clearer, more scientific picture of how these forces will act.
Measure and mark the two base pieces of the bridge, and the arched top pieces. Ideally, these should all be single, continuous pieces of balsa wood--if not, make extra pieces to splint together. Cut these pieces out, taking care not to mash the wood while cutting--damaging the fibers can weaken the wood and weaken your bridge.
Measure and cut the arch support beams and a series of pieces to make up the bridge base. Miter them if possible, as a cleaner angle will hold together better.
Glue the base together, and glue the arches together. Hold these pieces tightly together, using masking tape where possible to reinforce the joint while the glue dries.
Measure, mark and cut the outermost set of trusses. There should be four pieces. Glue them in place, and hold until the glue dries.
Repeat step with the next set of trusses, then the next, and so on until you reach the middle.
By the way we offer you large amounts of balsa wood  with different shapes and size, if you want to know more, to visite our website  http://www.balsafactory.com/products/ right now.


Creating a Balsa wood plane is a crafting project

Creating a Balsa wood plane is a crafting project which has the enjoyable result of a fun toy which can be played with. While you can purchase kits with all of the parts already cut, you can also create your own balsa wood plane from scratch, needing only the wood, a knife and a plastic nose propeller clip.
Draw a a body piece on the balsa wood sheet, in the shape you wish your plane to be. The plane should be roughly to inches long, and to inches high, with a narrowed nose in front. You must also mark off a notch in the back of the body, a half inch deep and as tall as the width of the sheet (approximately / inch) for the rear fin, and a slot in the center of the body for the wings that is about inches wide.
Draw a rear fin that is about an inch deep, and about to inches wide. If desired, you can taper the rear fin, so it is narrower up front where it enters the body piece, and only reaches the full width in the rear. Mark off a notch, similar to the notch in the body, in the center of the front of the fin.
Draw the wings so that they are as long as the body piece, and as wide as the center slot cut into the body piece. Like the fin, you may choose to taper off the wing slightly, with the widest portion facing backwards.
Use the crafting knife to cut out the pieces of wood you have drawn.
Insert the tail fin into the body of the plane by aligning the notches and pushing the two together. The fin will run perpendicular to the body, with the flat sides running parallel the ground when thrown.
Insert the wings by sliding the wing piece through the slot cut into the body, and centering the wings. If cut properly, it should be a snug fit.
Slide the propeller clip onto the front of your plane and it is ready to throw.
At last, if you want to know more ,you can visit our website blog here: http://www.balsafactory.com/news/.


Now to learn how to build balsa wood model

Balsa is native to South America, where it grows quickly and prolifically. The wood has a high weight to strength ratio. It is very soft and light, which makes t a favorite of model makers.
Use an X-Acto knife to cut the balsa wood to the length you need. Remove any dust, which could prevent the pieces of wood from sticking together.
Glue the pieces of balsa together according to the needs of your project. Be as neat as possible so as not to get glue where you don't want. Use a damp rag to wipe up excess glue.
Choose the larger pieces where you have to span anything (such as building a bridge) and smaller pieces where weight is not a consideration.
Sand the glued wood and paint or stain it in the color you choose. For more you can visit our webiste: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How to build perfect balsa wood glider?

Following you will know more about the Balsa wood. Few experiences are as satisfying as watching a model airplane you have built soar through the summer sky. nvnwzhiq A balsa wood glider is easy to build and serves as the perfect primer to flying model airplanes, introducing the builder to building techniques, aerodynamics and flight trimming. Be prepared to spend a few sessions building your model. Each step is fairly simple, but thorough sanding and careful gluing will pay off when your bird takes wing.
Print the plans to scale.
Mark the outline plans on the balsa wood. To transfer the outlines of the plan to the wood cut the outline out and trace around it, or place the plan over the wood and, pressing gently with a ball point pen, follow the outlines. The soft balsa will take the impression of the pen and provide you with a line to cut on. Unless the plan states otherwise the grain of the wood should run along the longest dimension of the piece.
Using the modeling knife, cut out the parts from the plan. Work carefully, taking multiple passes. The wood will cut or split easily along the grain and will be much more difficult to cut across the grain.
Sand the pieces into their final shape. Because the model is made from solid pieces of wood, rather than from a covered frame, most of the shaping of the structure will come from sanding. Start with the edges but avoid for now edges which will be glued together later (the inner edge of the two wing halves, the bottom of the vertical stabilizer and the places on the fuselage where the wing and horizontal stabilizer will be mounted). You can hold identical pieces, like the two halves of the wing, together as you sand so they maintain an identical shape. Once the edges are sanded, you can turn to the surfaces. Using medium grade sandpaper, sand the fuselage and the tail pieces until they are smooth to the touch.
Sand an airfoil into the wing. The airfoil of a wing, along with its angle of attack, is what provides the plane with "lift." The airfoil shape should make the wing rounded along the leading edge, widening toward the center and then tapering almost to a point at the trailing edge.
Sand the inner edge of each of the wings to an angle that will create "dihedral" when the two halves are glued together. The amount of dihedral should be marked on the plan and is measured as the distance each wingtip is from where it would be if the wing were perfectly flat. With the wing's leading edge facing away from you, prop up one half of the wing with a small block so the wingtip is at the proper height. Take a sanding block and place it vertically against the inner edge. Sand until the edge is perfectly flat and perpendicular to the work surface. Repeat with the other wing half.
Glue the two wing halves together. Using blocks under both wingtips to create the proper dihedral, nvnwzhiq apply a bead of glue to the inner edge of each of the wing halves. Press the two halves together. Remove the excess glue. Place a light weight on the wing near the center joint to hold it in place. Measure the dihedral again and make any necessary adjustments. Let the glue dry for a couple of hours
Assemble the plane. Pay special attention to the angle of the horizontal stabilizer relative to the angle of the wing (this is called wing incidence). Check your parts against the plan to be sure the proper angles are maintained as you build. If the wing incidence is incorrect the model will fly poorly. Let the glue dry for a couple of hours.
At last , if you want to know know more about balsa facts and balsa model information ,you can visit our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ in news.


balsa woods with different sizes are widely used

There are various kinds of balsa woods with different sizes both in domestic and international markets for your selection. Well, different sizes wood are cut with the balsa stripper. The stripper is used to cut balsa wood and make your expected sizes and squareness in a higher speed. Well, this kind of device can be made by yourself with the simple steps below.
First of all, prepare whatever you need, like wood block, saw, white glue, single-edge razor blade, small wood screw, c-clamp and so forth. These things will be needed during the making process.
Second, cut a 4-inch square wood block. However, you are not advised to choose balsa wood as the material since it is soft. You are advised to choose harder wood like pine and so forth to make the block.
Third, cut your expected shim to the thickness. You may need white glue to fasten a shim onto the block. Screw a single-edge razor blade onto the shim at a 30-degree angle. Use small wood screw to attach the razor to the block and through the shim to tighten all pieces together perfectly.
Fourth, you may use a C-clamp to attach the balsa striper to a table edge and pule larger pieces and balsa sheets past the razor blade to make strips. You are advised to make it carefully.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. And we have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com

for those starter or learner who want to whittle balsa wood

Balsa wood is very popular among consumers both in industrial areas and in our daily life. Balsa wood is famous for its lightweight and soft advantages. It can be easy to work with. Balsa wood is the ideal choice if you want to whittle wood, especially for those starter or learner who want to whittle wood. Frankly speaking, whittling is the simple removal of pure shaving or cutting small bits from a piece of wood with a knife.
What should you prepare if you want to become a good whittler? There are many things that should be taken into your consideration. For example, you should choose the right wood and proper knife, the basic whittling techniques, the maintenance and storage methods and skills.
First of all, you should choose the proper wood. Frankly speaking, soft wood is the best choice. Balsa wood is famous for its lightweight, softness and easy to work with. So, it should be your ideal choice to whittle. Although pine is easily to cut, it is not able to hold details well. Although birch, cedar and maple are used for whittling, they are not belong to soft wood. You should choose the balsa wood with a straight grain and uniform color. A straight grain is usually a softer wood than crossed grains. Changes in color mean changes in hardness.
Second, you should know how to choose the proper knife. One of the best factors for choosing whittling knife is to take consideration whether it is comfortable or not. You are advised to avoid stainless steel knives since it is not easy to sharpen them correctly. There are various kinds of whittling knives that fit in the palm of your hand. Some knives can be opened with one hand to make it very comfortable and easy to work with. You should test the knife to see whether it is easy to operate with.
Third, whittle balsa wood . You are advised to wear gloves to avoid cutting your hands or fingers. You should be careful to keep all fingers and other body parts away from knife edges actually. Your thumb should be against the spine with the edge facing your fingers. Ensure that the hand holding the knife should be further from your body than the hand holding the piece of wood.

you can use the balsa wood

If you like to build your own planes,you can use the balsa wood. For there are plenty of the advantages in the it for the construction purposes. In the common sense,they should be fully used by people,no matter whether or not you are a full-time worker. As regard to the hobby enthusiasts,the soft wood is the best materials for you.
It should go to the history that those who see kit building as an art. if you are the hobby enthusiast who loves to build their planes from scratch,you ought to be encouraged to find the wood out. You will be interested in this process that get the box lumber and open it for the first time,fitting each piece carefully together while the smell of balsa fills the room.
Well, that is exactly where hobby distributors and manufacturers around the world have found themselves in today's market. As companies buy huge amounts of such wood for wind energy propellers,insulation and cushioning of oil tankers. It is also difficulty to say that the balsa is in the shortage. Price is rising up while the quality and selection of materials continues to go down. So it is a matter we should pay attention to in our nowadays society.
Although there is a shift to making products differently,this doesn't help the kit builders who quite plainly need balsa wood for their kits. We hope to see a shift in the market in the near future and continue to sell balsa kits both in the stores and online. The one who like making the plane should hold on realizing their dreams.
If you want to know more about balsa wood, you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


how to use balsa wood to create carvings

Balsa wood is a lightweight wood that is excellent for carving. It's soft and comes in an array of bkqsfahq precut sizes. Balsa is ideal for beginning wood carvers because of its versatility and ease of use. Craftsmen have been using balsa for decades to carve everything from boats that actually float and model planes that fly to pieces for miniature landscapes. Learn how you can use balsa wood to create your own carvings.
Buy balsa wood in sheets or blocks. You can find it at hobby outlets or online suppliers (see resources). Blocks of balsa are best for carving. Buy several sizes so you'll have what you need for your project.
Decide what you want to carve. If you're new at it, choose something easy. A simple boat is a popular choice. Sketch your idea on paper. You don't have to be an artist. The idea is to get something down that you can use as a guide when you carve the balsa.
Find a comfortable place to work with your block of balsa and a carving knife. Work from your sketch and carve the balsa a little at a time, following your design. Be cautious as you carve. Balsa is relatively expensive, and as a soft wood, it's easy to cut too much. You want to waste as little as possible.
Carve the hull of your boat, holding your balsa in one hand and turning it against the blade of the knife as you cut away thin pieces. Continue to shape the hull, using your thumb as a guide to ensure you maintain the curve of the hull as you carve.
Cut away a flat section on top of the hull and use the tip of your knife to hollow out the inside of the hull. Hollow the hull out, but leave two strips of wood inside for seats. The carving will, hopefully, resemble a small boat.
Use very light sandpaper to smooth the boat. Again, because balsa is so soft, you don't want to over sand or you risk taking too much of your carving away.
Paint your carving with acrylic paint. In the case of a small boat, you might use brown for the main color, then a few strokes of black to give it a worn and weathered look. This simple boat is your first balsa carving. Now you can move on to something more complex.If you want to know more about balsa information , you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.

Although balsa tree is the most soft wood

There are various kinds of wood both in domestic and international markets for your selection, like balsa wood. And it can be classified into two main types, soft wood and hard wood actually. They can be classified in accordance with the type of tree they come from actually. There are trees with leaves or needles actually. And in general, the wood from the tree with needles is named softwood, while the deciduous trees with leaves are also regarded as the hard wood. However, balsa wood is an exception. Although balsa tree is the most soft wood, it is classified as hard wood since it is deciduous.
As we all know that balsa wood is well known for its lightweight, soft, easy to work with and so forth. It is widely used in making model airplanes and other models for many of its advantages. Although it is soft, it is regarded or classified into the range of hard wood. There are many differences between soft wood and hard wood. One of the basic and obvious differences is the hard wood is harder while the soft wood is softer and lighter.
Generally, the soft woods are cheaper than the hard wood. One of the reason is that the softwood grow faster than hard wood. They can grow to the mature tree in several months. However, the hard wood need to become adult in several years actually. Another reason is that soft wood is easy to harvested than the hard wood. So, this is another reaon that soft wood are more popular among consumers both at home and abroad. The soft wood is easy to cut and work will.
Different situations and requirements need different kinds of wood. So, you are advised to cultivate your ability to distinguish the soft wood and hard wood to use it for your work better. Harder wood will be harder for you to cut than the soft one actually. It can be used to make doors, windows, stairway banisters and so forth. While the soft wood is mainly used to make models, surfboard, airplane models and so forth.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading manufacturers of balsa wood. And we have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com


how to fly your balsa plans easily

There are various kinds of wood both in domestic and international markets. And balsa wood is outstanding for its lightweight, easy to work with, affordable and so forth. Balsa wood can be classified into different grains. Generally, the working principles of the balsa wood glider or aircraft is similar or same with the actual aircrafts actually. And the balsa plane is very popular among kids, especially among boys. But do you know how to fly your plans easily and effectively?
First of all, you'd better choose a slope since it will give you a force when you run down. It will make it easier to fly your plane actually.
Second, you are advised to pinch the balsa wood between the forefinger and thumb so the fingers are underneath the airplane. You'd better hold the airplane just behind the nose actually. Cock your arm back to just behind the head and push the aircraft forward. Use the push motion, then loosen the pinch instead of jerking or throwing the aircraft when your arm is extended almost all the way in front of your body.
Third, check. You should push the wing further to the right and vise versa if the airplane flies to the left. Well, move the weight slightly down on the nose if your balsa wood aircraft pitches up nose first.
Fourth, pinch the plane with your thumb and forefinger and keep your opposite hand's forefinger on the prop to keep it from unwinding. Twist the propeller 12 to 24 times and watch the rubber band shorten and get wider with the wrapped coils. You can hold the plane at the shoulder height and push it forward. To ensure the straight flight, you can achieve it by adjusting the wings actually.
There are various kinds of balsa aircrafts both in domestic and international markets, however, it is similar to fly them actually. And the balsa airplane can be made by yourself. You are advised to choose the superior balsa wood if you expect it fly better. Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com


Why do they they refer to balsa wood?

Balsa wood is well known for its lightweight, soft, and easy to work with. It is one of the ideal choices for making models. Balsa is the common name that called in centeral and south America in general. It is also called Corcho in Mexico, Gatillo in Nicaragua, Enea or Pung in Costa Rica, Lana in Panama, Pau de balsa in Brazil, Palo de balsa in Peru and Tami in Bolivia. So, when you hear other names, you know that they refer to balsa wood too.
Balsa wood belongs to Bombacaceae family. And it is widely distributed in America tropical forests, throughout the west Indies, and from south Mexico, through Central America and into Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Balsa trees are usually found at lower elevations, especially on bottom land soils along streams, also in clearings and cutover forests. Balsa wood cultivated in plantations.
Balsa tree grows very fast. The native balsa trees are 60 to 90 ft high and 2.5 to 4 ft in diameter. A balsa tree can reach 80ft high and 2.5 ft in diameter within 5 years if it lives in the best conditions with sufficient water and heat.
Balsa wood is well known for lightweight. It has no distinctive odor or taste. The color of the heartwood is pale brown or reddish, while sapwood is nearly white or oatmeal colored often with a yellowish or pinkish hue. It has coarse texture medium, straight grain, high luster, velvety feel and so forth. It is widely used in making models.
The weight of the ovendry and green balsa wood is different greatly. Commercial balsa usually between 0.10 to 0.17. Air-dry density about 8 to 14 pcf. Kiln-drying of converted stock preferable to air-drying to minimize splitting and warping. Kiln schedule T10-D4S is suggested for 4/4 stock and T8-D3S for 8/4. Shrinkage green to ovendry for 17 pcf air-dry material.
Balsa wood is very easy to work with sharp, thin-edged power or hand tools. And it is perishable, and vulnerable to dry-wood termite attack. It can be used for life belts, floats, core stock, toys, models, and so forth.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


when working with balsa wood

Balsa wood is very popular among consumers both at home and abroad for many of its advantages, like lightweight, soft and easy to work with. It can be used to make balsa wood surfboard, balsa float, balsa model and so forth. Generally, you need some tools to help you when working with balsa wood , like razor saw, surgical knife, razor plane and so forth. Here we will give you a brief introduction.
The razor saw will be required to cut for straight cuts for balsa thicker than 4mm. You are advised to select a razor saw which has replacable saw blades and make sure you have a spare one. You can use the finest tooth blade for the best cuts. There are various kinds of razor saw both in domestic and international markets, and you are advised to choose it according to your specific requirements.
Well, surgical knife with No.11 blade should be one of the necessary tools when making balsa modles and so forth. It is impossible to work with balsa wood without a nice knife and sharp blades. To select a knife with sharp blade which will make the work with balsa much easier. But you should be carefully when using it since it will cause yourself serious damage from overexerting.
Razor plane is another tool that should be required during your working. Many people tend to use sand paper rather than razor plane to take off the bulk of balsa when shaping down. Fill your room up with balsa dust then you should be using a razor plane. A razor plane will let you shove down your fuselages, leading edges and trailing edges with such ease that you will never touch sandpaper for anything other than finishing shaping.
Balsa stripper is also important tool actually since it is a more of scratch-builder tool. Also, the steel ruler is required. The mini clamps are incredibly useful too and it can be found easily in most hardware stores. The clamps are used to hold small balsa parts together while you are waiting for glue to set or simply for standing balsa parts up so you can paint them.
Frankly speaking, these kinds of tools can be found easily both in domestic and international markets. And Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood and other balsa products. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


Now Know More About Balsa Wood

Starting with the 5th generation Chevrolet Corvette, the floor pan of the Corvette was composed of balsa sandwiched between two sheets of carbon fiber reinforced plastic.Norwegian scientist/adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, convinced that early contact between the peoples of South America and Polynesia was possible, built the raft Kon Tiki from Balsa logs, and upon it he and his crew sailed the Pacific Ocean from Peru to the Polynesian Tuamotu Archipelago in 1947. Balsa wood is also a popular wood type used in the art of whittling.
Balsa wood is grown all around the world – including Australia – but at this stage the best balsa is harvested from Ecuador in South America, and is a high moisture content wood which is kiln dried for a week. This drying process results in a very lightweight wood but very strong for its weight. Though balsa wood is extremely light, it retains a great deal of structural strength, making it the perfect material for products in which overall weight is a critical factor.
Riley has supplied quality balsa since 1996. Riley is now growing and using balsa from Northern Queensland – see the photos of the seeds, seedlings, young trees, old trees – there is even a video of the large tree that was knocked down in Cyclone Yasi on 3rd Feb 2011. Riley bought this from a land owner because it was going to rot away – so we cut it up and supplied the owner with some balsa surfboards.


DO You Want To Choose A Better Balsa Wood Supplier?

Balsa wood plays an important role in our daily life. Due to its wide uses, there are more and more balsa wood suppliers to satisfy the growing demand. If you are in need of balsa wood , there is no doubt that you want to choose a better supplier. To be honest, it is not an easy task. You will need to consider the price, the quality and the types while making your decision.
The balsa is quite cheap and its price varies from quality to quality. It is not difficult to understand the moisture which is included in the balsa wood affect the density and the strength of the wood. Besides, the color will be light or dark according to the content of moisture. We supply the white balsa with outstanding flexibility and stability.
You need to choose the right type of balsa based on your projects. For example, the balsa rounds are suitable to make model boats while the balsa packs are mostly used to make model planes. There are also other related industrial products as well, such as balsa panel, balsa sheet and so on. You need to make sure that the supplier are qualified to provide the suitable type for you.
You can easily find amounts of balsa wood suppliers on the Internet and take every aspects in your consideration. Shanghai Synhong Industry Co., Ltd. has engaged in manufacturing the balsa wood and its related products for almost eight years and we are always the considering the customers' satisfaction as our pursuance. Welcome to visit our website to find more information about our products: www.balsafactory.com