
To impove the balsa wood glider

Now an article about designing balsa wood glider. balsa glider activity has been growing into a very popular branch of model airplane activity in the past few years. Practically every model builder has had experience in connection with this phase of the game and has been more or less successful in it. Many of these modelers have their own "pet" designs while many more do not know just what characteristics to employ in their balsa gliders to make them successful, consistent fliers. To these, especially, the following information will be of the most benefit.
Early type balsa gliders employed stubby, non-sweptback, non-tapered wings. nvktazrew Tips of wings were rounded while the tail sections were generally of a square outline, employing no airfoil but a square section throughout. Finishes of these balsa gliders were not considered of any importance. Therefore it was not unusual to see balsa gliders which had not been brought into contact with sandpaper.
These factors had a decided effect upon their flying ability and flights of over thirty seconds were unusual since an altitude of over forty feet was seldom attained. Builders soon found that with smoothing the surface of the wood the glide was considerably improved. Even with this improved glide, however, the boys knew that what was actually needed was to attain higher altitude on the throw.
They began experimenting with sweepback, different length moment arms, fine finishes and streamlined surfaces. These in turn made the balsa glider a sleek, polished ship capable of 100 feet or more of altitude when launched, necessitating great strength in construction. This great stress required exceptionally great strength where the wing joined the fuselage. A tough skin of cement was the answer to this problem. Thus the old box-like affairs of the first all balsa balsa gliders were the basic designs for our modern, highly efficient ships. We are still experimenting to find the characteristics to employ in the design of the balsa glider which will eventually lead to the nearest possible "perfect" design.
In most contests of today the balsa glider event is one of the main features and one of the more popular events. One reason for this is that the balsa glider is simpler to build, more rugged, and its size, usually under twenty-two inches, makes it quite easily carried to contests, flying fields, etc. Lately, there have been reports of many excellent balsa glider flights, some eclipsing the record times of many of the rubber power planes. These are due to excellent designs, fine workmanship and a lasting up-current of air.By the way , we offer you large number ofbass polywood  ,you can take a look.

